Difference Between Blinds and Shutters

Shutters are a very sturdy creation that is placed on the outside of your home, be it the door or the windows. They first appeared in the 18th century in the US and served the purpose of protecting the house from the natural elements. Storms and hurricanes were a common occurrence and it was important for the inhabitants to have a way to protect their windows instead of buying new ones after any larger storm. Most houses were also primarily made out of wood, so the shutters gave an additional visual deco to the house that blended in will with the surroundings.
They also protected the furniture from direct sunlight. Long exposures to the sun will turn any material into a faded colour and make it look very unattractive. This is why shutters were so important because they prevented the ruining of furniture and other wood work. They were also very useful in maintaining room temperature because wood absorbs both heat and cold and acts as a barrier between the house and the outside elements, which you can imagine saved quite a nice sum of money for the own in heating costs.
Blinds are different because they are placed on the inside of the home and mainly serve as a decorative purpose for the rooms. They can be placed on either a window or a door, serving the same purpose in both cases. They offer very good control of the amount of light that enters a room. While shutters are made almost always out of wood because of its durability, blinds can be made of wood, aluminium or vinyl. Which one you choose depends on your budget and the time you are willing to spend taking care of your blinds.
Ideally, wooden blinds would always be the best option, but the alternatives are not too bad either. While shutters can only be custom-made if they are on the outside of the house because of the importance of precise measurements and safety precautions, with blinds you have the option of buying them pre-made and saving up some money in the process as well. If you are unsure of which option is best for you, feel free to phone a representative at any of the wooden blinds London firms and ask them to pay you a visit and give you some professional advice on the matter.
The final decision is up to you, but you do need to know the difference between the two in order to not make a mistake that could potentially turn out to be hazardous to others in the surrounding area. Shutters are more expensive and need to be made out of high quality wood in order to be completely resistant. You really shouldn’t attempt to save any money on these and go for cheaper options because you want them to be able to remain strong and durable. Blinds are a much simpler choice both during the production and the design stages and they are also cheaper and give you more freedom to create the shapes that you want to match your windows.
Whichever you chose, it is never a good idea to attempt to make your own blinds or shutters unless you are a professional working in the field. Although you may save up some money in the process, if you do make any mistakes they may be quite costly and not very pleasant to be involved with. There are so many options available to customers now and so many professional to do the job that there is no need to burden yourself with the responsibility.